2024-25 Online Tutoring

Individualized Online Education

Rice Tutoring will be available for individual tutoring sessions through the school year and into summer. Rice Tutoring will continue to operate completely online.

Individualized sessions allow tutor Lindsay Rice to formulate education plans around a student’s existing school curriculum and/ or create a supplementary curriculum to support each student in gaining the necessary reading, writing, test prep and application essay support they need.

Please schedule by contacting: lindsayrice@hotmail.com (913) 328-2396

Small Group Classes 

These classes are formed among school, family or friend groups of students that are of similar grade and skill level and want to create a more socially active learning environment. The following classes are possible and must be created by parents, students or guardians:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Essay Writing
  • ACT English Test Prep
  • Creative Writing

All small group classes are held once a week for 4 weeks. Classes are one hour in length. Computer/ internet access required. All classes $125 prepaid, includes 4 classes and homework. Class size minimum: 2 students/ maximum: 4 students. Group classes and schedules pre-formed by a family or school group.

For more information or to schedule a group class, please contact

Lindsay Rice:   lindsayrice@hotmail.com (913) 328-2396

Some classic literature I like to read and discuss with students.

About Lucky Rice Field

Run by Lindsay Rice Yoshida, a native English speaker, with an honors degree in English, Lucky Rice Field provides private and tutoring services, standardized test prep. small group English classes, editing and writing services, and English Language Coaching.  Lessons use a variety of high-quality materials and are customized to students’ needs. Improving and enhancing your English can be fun and rewarding with Lucky Rice Field.